
  • 一场世界性的扑克牌比赛正在人人趋附者众的拉斯维加斯大张旗鼓的进行着,每天,无数的扑克牌高手从世界各地赶到此…
  •   When Jaycen "Two Js" Jennings, a washed-up former pro football sta…
  •   英国菲律宾裔新秀导演派瑞斯札西亚一鸣惊人获得SXSW影展评审团大奖和代表最佳首作雷鸟新星奖的《邪厄恩典》,…
  • <p>  新年的钟声即将响起,欢快喜庆的气氛弥漫在正孤独航行于北大西洋上的海神号中。这是一艘拥有800…
  •   史坦尼欧是一位在太平间值夜班的员工,然而他拥有一个不为人知的超能力──他能与死去的亡者交谈。某日,他意…
  •   Öznur is a young and beautiful woman. She has had a platonic love since chil…
  •   Due to financial problems, Yilmaz family moves in their grandmother Saadet's…
  •   Siccin 5 tells the story of a family returning to their nightmare after the …
  •   Yaşar, a young man, has a hard time after his father's death. His inheritanc…
  •   “Me” follows a 12-year-old kid named Ben who is in the throes of middle sch…
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