• 微微风

  • 状态:连载中待更新
  • 类型:剧情
  • 主演:
  • 年代:2013
  • 地区:新加坡

简介:微轻风是新加坡8频道推出的斩新轻松系列短剧。甚么是微轻风?微轻风是一阵快乐清凉的能量,提醒你放慢脚步,甩掉肩上的压力来享用生活的点点滴滴。8频道斩新的轻松短剧系列,通过唯美的镜头和养眼的年青卡司,将诙谐地描写城市人生活的趣事,提醒你巨细事里都有让你微笑的一面!What is Easy Breezy?Easy Breeze is a gentle breeze of positive energy that reminds you to slow your busy steps and lighten the load on your shoulders.Channel 8’s brandnew shorts project ‘Easy Breezy’ is a light-hearted humourous take at the idiosyncrasies of modern urban life. Gorgeously shot with fresh cast members like Ian Fang and Jayley Woo, ‘Easy Breezy’ reminds you to see the humour in life and smile!


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