简介:由于孩提时代擦枪走火的意外,马盖先出使命时从不带枪、不行使暴力,以科学知识为对象,行使手边小对象,化危急为转机,活着界各地吊民伐罪。当场取材,制作足以破坏敌人基地的爆炸物是他的绝招,而随身携带的瑞士刀则是他最好的帮手。美国报章形容《百战天龙》塑造的人物,是现代人梦幻的英雄,比○○七庞德更有法子;赛过「法柜奇兵」敢作敢为的印地安琼斯博。 MacGyver is a different kind of hero - he doesn´t use weapons, he´s afraid of heights, and he´s an expert at making complicated machines out of ordinary things. A fan, a dough-scraper and some duct tape forms an excellent helicopter attack. A cut credit card can help cause a traffic jam. A light bulb makes an outstanding…